Unless You've Been a Soldier
By Clive Sanders

Unless you've been a soldier,
You just won't understand.
The things that we have seen and done,
In the service of our land.
We have trained to live in combat,
To cope with awful sights,
That shouldn't be seen by anyone
And keep you awake at nights.

We don't discuss the wounds we have,
To the body or the mind.
We just put our hurts behind us,
And turn our memories to blind.
We are proud we served our country,
And remember those we lost.
For the freedom that you have today,
They paid the awful cost.
This section of the website, specifically:
Lest we Forget and Veterans Biographies pages have been compiled and edited by Comrade Harold Brown and posted by Comrade Gary Badcock.
They are Dedicated In Honour and Remembrance of Veterans of the area.
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May They All Rest In Peace - Their Job Is Done!
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Eric Francis Taylor
Walter H. Russell
Gravesite Picture
Gravesite Picture
Joseph Snow
Gravesite Picture
William Hayward Norman
"Remains Not Found"
CWGC Certificate
Gordon Porter
Gravesite Picture
Bertram Porter
Gravesite Picture
Samuel Petten
Gravesite Picture
Wallace Pike
Gravesite Picture
Last WW I Veteran
Solomon Taylor Porter
Gravesite Picture
Memorial Headstone
Sutherland Snow
"Lost At Sea"
CWGC Certificate
Edward (Ted) Trenchard
Gravesite Picture
Walter Snow
Gravesite Picture
Allen Harvey Snow
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
James Harvey Snow
Gravesite Picture
Ernest Wilson Snow
Gravesite Picture
Wallace Lesley Snow
Gravesite Picture
Emma "Melvena" Pye
Gravesite Picture
Leonard Snow
Gravesite Picture
Howard Taylor
Gravesite Picture
George Henry Tucker
Gravesite Picture
Joseph Alvan Norman
Gravesite Picture
Edward "Ned" Snow
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
Albert Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Arthur Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Samuel Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Robert Parsons
Gravesite Picture
William Parsons D.S.M.
Gravesite Picture
Eric Wood
Gravesite Picture
Bert (Bertie) Vineham
Gravesite Picture
Mary G. Tucker
Gravesite Picture
Roy Yetman
Gravesite Picture
Alexander J. Porter
Gravesite Picture
Memorial Stone
Cyril Porter (left in picture)
Gravesite Picture - Not Yet Available
Albert Morgan Porter
Gravesite Picture
George Thompson Snow
Gravesite Picture
Arthur Somerton D.S.M.
Gravesite Picture
Reuben Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Albert Snow
Gravesite Picture
Herbert Walsh
Gravesite Picture
Albert Richards
Gravesite Picture
John Edwin Richards
Gravesite Picture
Wilfred Campbell Parsons
Gravesite Picture
John Snow
Gravesite Picture
Joseph Roach
Gravesite Picture
John Albert Spencer
Gravesite Picture
Leonard Tretheway Stick
Gravesite Picture
Harry Newell
Gravesite Picture - Not Yet Available
William Parsons
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
Edward Snow
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Samuel Roach
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Ralph Petten
Gravesite Picture
Richard Lewis Newell
aka Louis Frederick
Gravesite Picture
Raymond Chesley Wells
Gravesite Picture
Arthur (Art) Neville
"Lost At Sea"
CWGC Certificate
Frank C. Randell
Gravesite Picture
Bert Reid
Gravesite Picture
-Not Available
Henry William Russell
Gravesite Picture

Allan Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Isaac Richards
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Kenneth Tucker
Gravesite Picture
George William Thompson
Gravesite Picture
Henry Peddle
Gravesite Picture
Lorenzo Roberts
Gravesite Picture
Wilfred Tucker
Gravesite Picture
Walter Taylor
Gravesite Picture
Total Biographies = 381
Herbert S. Russell
Gravesite Picture
Richard Augustus Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Sebastian Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Cyril Thompson
Gravesite Picture
George J. Sparks
Gravesite Picture
George William White
Gravesite Picture
Isaac Samways Sr.
Gravesite Picture
This page contains biographies written about our local veterans. It is hoped that eventually biographies on all veterans in the areas served by The Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 32 will be available and this page will be updated as they are written.
May they all Rest in Peace. Thank you for viewing.
Veteran Biographies A to E
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Grave Site Pictures
Modern Day Veteran Biographies
Veteran Biographies F to M
Cyril Francis Richards
Gravesite Picture
Charles Stevens
Gravesite Picture
Harry Augustus Wells
Memorial Headstone
Harry Hubert Parsons
Gravesite Picture
James Henry Newell
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
Kenneth Serrick Newell
Memorial Headstone
Victor Perrin Newell
Gravesite Picture
Memorial Headstone
William (Billy) Neville
"Lost At Sea"
CWGC Certificate
Ronald Neville
Gravesite Picture
James Russell
Gravesite Picture
-Not Available
Memorial Headstone
John A. Winter
Gravesite Picture
William Ralph Paul
Gravesite Picture
Francis E. Wheeler
Gravesite Picture
Henry Saunders
Gravesite Picture
Ballington Stevens
"No Known Grave"
CWGC Certificate
Maxwell Stevens
Gravesite Picture
CWGC Certificate
Herbert Tucker
"No Known Grave"
CWGC Certificate
William George Stevens
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
Vincent Noseworthy
Gravesite Picture
One of the First 500 - Better Known as the "Blue Puttees" (Pte Noseworthy was No. 201)
James Thompson
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Ralph Wilcox
Gravesite Picture
Donald Douisen Snow
"Lost At Sea"
CWGC Certificate
William Skanes
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Isaac Snow
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Frederick Sealey
"Died In Service"
CWGC Certificate
Arthur William Russell
Gravesite Picture
Chesley George Pye
Gravesite Picture
Samuel George Tucker
Gravesite Picture
Robert Mark Norman
Gravesite Picture
Harold Albert Russell
Gravesite Picture

CWGC Certificate
Thomas J. Sinclair
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
John Gardiner Spracklin
Gravesite Picture
CWGC Certificate
John Thomas Snow
Gravesite Picture
CWGC Certificate
Ralph Turner
Gravesite Picture
George Ralph
Gravesite Picture

Warwick Rees
Gravesite Picture

George Anderson Wells
Gravesite Picture
Frederick Leonard Teman
Gravesite Picture
-Not Available
John Charles Tucker
"Lost At Sea"
CWGC Certificate
Memorial Headstone
Edward Allan Snow
Gravesite Picture - Not Available
Walter Russell (WW I)
Gravesite Picture
June Patricia (Brown)
Gravesite Picture
Herman Llewelyn Richards
Gravesite Picture
Archibald Parsons
Gravesite Picture
Veteran Biographies N to Z
James Francis Neville
Gravesite Picture
William Henry Porter
Gravesite Picture
CWGC Certificate
CWGC Certificate
CWGC Certificate
John Francis Quinlan
Gravesite Picture
Gordon Joshua Tucker
Gravesite Picture
John Edwin Richards
Gravesite Picture
William Cecil Doucet Richards
Gravesite Picture
George Roy Samways
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Gordon Gerald Snow
Gravesite Picture
Willis Snow
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
William F. Wilcox
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
James Gerald Ploughman
Gravesite Picture
John Ploughman
Gravesite Picture
Reuben Hartley Ploughman
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
Roland Vernon Ploughman
Gravesite Picture
Clifford P. Russell
Gravesite Picture
- Not Available
George Edward Snow
Gravesite Picture
Douglas Gordon Spurrell
Gravesite Picture
William Leonard Thompson
Gravesite Picture
Sarah "Sadie" (Russell) White
Gravesite Picture
William "Willie" Starks
Gravesite Picture
Walter Lamont Pritchard
Gravesite Picture
-Not Available
Chesley H. Sparkes
Gravesite Picture
CWGC Certificate
Ebenezer Snow
Gravesite Picture
BEM - British Empire
D.C.M. - Distinguished Conduct Medal
MC - Military Cross
MM - Military Medal
D.S.M. - Distinguished Service Medal
M.B.E. - Member of the Order of the British Empire
David Ralph Parsons
Gravesite Picture